The Bullfrog Inn
When iron ore was found in the early nineteenth century, furnaces were built at the base of South Mountain in Emmaus, Pennsylvania. The Bullfrog Inn — built in the late nineteenth century by a local huckster who stole much of his building materials — housed some of the miners. When the mines were abandoned at the height of prohibition, it became a hunting cabin with a secret drinking locale in the basement. Generations of my family grew up there. The history and its ghosts just add to the quirkiness of the place. I remember the traditions of the Pennsylvania Dutch who passed through the Bullfrog Inn with folk craft and the retelling of their stories.
Wann sie Eiseerz in de 1800s gfunne hen, hen sie als Schmelsoffe in Emaus gbaut und viel Barigschaffleit sin kumme. Deel hen graad am Barig in em Bullfrack Wattshaus gwuhnt — schpot in de 1800s vun en Schwindler gbaut. Schpaeder hen die Schaffleit den Blatz verlosse un es Wattshaus iss en Barigheisli fer Yaeger warre, wu sie sich im Keller versoffe hen. Mei Familye hot viel Yaahre datt gwuhnt. Die langi Gschicht und die Gschpuker, die datt noch sin, draage zu dem Bullfrack sei Umgwehnlichkeet bei.